Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Het Goed and Kringloop Winkel

It is no secret that I am frugal (cheap!) and like old things. Liking old things is something my late mother-in-law and I had in common. I am not sure she was as frugal as I am, but the Dutch as a nation are rumored to be frugal. How else do you think that the saying"Dutch Treat" became popular? It certainly wasn't that the Dutch were going to treat ( or rather pay) for the entire bill!

But I digress. Both Oma and I loved to check out second-hand shops. In fact we visited Het Goed in Deventer several times together. We always found something interesting and usually old. I do not have my "junk" partner anymore, but my hub fills in pretty well. Guess it is in his blood. Yeah, cheap and son of Oma. Today he initiated our visits to Het Goed and also the Kringloop Winkel in Twello. Today I found some Delft blue souvenirs, inexpensive Delft blue cabinet vases, real KLM blue and white miniature Dutch houses (still full of Jenever), and foot pieces for my cake pedestal creations. So you could say I had a good, cheap afternoon with my hub. Now who could ask for more?

After our shopping trip, we met Christopher for the first time. He is my hub's newest great-nephew. What an energetic and bouncing baby boy of four months! He is ready to run, so he practiced on our laps. Bet we all have little blue footprints on our upper legs. I think he will run a marathon someday. What a cutie and a flirt!

Chris's big brother Sebastiaan aged 3 years speaks English, so he and I played a game of kickball. I don't really remember the actual rules, but he kicked the old soccer ball and ran around a small pile of dirt ( he called it mud). Then it was my turn. Don't laugh! I did my best. We enjoyed our visit with Chris and Seb.

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