Monday, March 19, 2012

Pack up and Go

Today we are going to Germany. Most of the time when we travel, we are up and running around daybreak. Today we are taking our time. Me on the IPad and hub still sleeping. We haven't even packed! Traffic on Monday mornings here is terrible, so we will wait for that to slow down before we join the rat race.

Our first stop will be to visit family in a beautiful German village about three hours drive from here. I will write about that location after the fact. We have a short shopping list for my hub's cousin who like us misses such Dutch specialities as bread, cheese, and drop(licorice). But we are looking forward to visiting with her and her kind German hub and then staying our first night in a German hotel.

So our true vacation is ready to start. Guess I had better get off this thing and get the suitcase packed! If family or friends need us, you know how to reach us.

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