Sunday, April 29, 2012

Quiet, but not a lazy day here today.

The dirt movers had a day of rest, and we had a day of quietness. But we did not rest. My hub and I added new soil to three of our veggie beds, added peat moss, and he tilled them so that they are ready for this season.

I know, you think I am late. We have been eating asparagus, lettuce, Swiss chard, and curly kale. Onions and artichokes are ready, and a tomato that just came up in the front flower bed is flowering and growing well. So now to add some seeds to the three new and improved beds and watch them grow.

We will be back to the noise again early tomorrow, so I will save that early wakeup to add more recipes from Memaw. We are approaching the chicken recipes, so stay tuned.

My hub took this photo of Flip this afternoon. We have a hardhat that will fit him, but he will have nothing to do with it. Funny!

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