Saturday, May 19, 2012

Since When Did Weeds Mean Organic?

This morning my hub and I got up really early and drove out to a workshop about organic gardening (farming?). We were the last of some 15 or so other home gardeners to arrive for the gathering. Then we walked through the debris of the irrigation facility (what a mess), through the clover and brambles and weeds in the pitiful looking veggie plot, and into mud holes in the fruit orchard.

The veggies could have used a good hoing ( or is it hoeing/"scoffeling"), and a ride on a lawn mower would have spruced up the rest. I really got tired of hearing about how plant merchants had lied to and ripped off this guy. I really think he did not do his homework on plants and shopped "in the dark."

Then he showed us his greenhouse, and finally I saw an idea I could borrow. Along one side of the greenhouse, he had made a huge enclosed bed of river sand to use as a rooting bed for new cuttings. The bed is misted with water ever so often, and this is an excellent new plant rooting place. Ingenious idea! Then his wife told the sad story about not knowing the sex of her kiwi plants and getting wonderful arborlike vines, but no fruit. ( Blamed lousy merchants again!)

After a short sales pitch for a watering system, we heard about cotton hull compost. Gosh, I remember Papaw going to the cotton gin to pick up cotton hulls to use for our veggie garden almost 60 years ago. So cotton hulls (smushed or not) are not news for me. I really wanted to hear about home composting, not having to buy something to be delivered on an 18 wheeler.

The visit to the Organic Farm ended with a quick look at two pups and eating a turkey sandwich and chips. Just wish we had seen live turkeys and chickens and collected a few free range eggs. Now that would be ORGANIC. Singer, La. still has a long way to go to get back to nature and be organic.

No cookie recipe today. But I plan to go get the last of the chocolate chip cookies out of the freezer for my snack. Freezing them immediately after baking them is the only way to keep us from eating them all at one time. I think I learned that trick from the Bernstein Bears. (Great books for your kids!)

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