Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday at Mammaw's Was Chicken and Cornbread Dressing

What we remember of our youth may sometimes be distorted by what we hoped actually happened. As I am not much of a fan of turkey, I remember eating chicken and dressing for Sundays at my grandmother's house out in the country. I believe we also ate chicken instead of turkey on special occasions, too. It was probably because chickens were cheaper and easier to find all year round. Maybe it was because a good tender chicken tastes a whole lot better than turkey!

Well, it is Sunday, and we are all going to Memaw's (and of course MOUF and his dear wife's) house for her birthday (May 7) dinner. Not sure whether we will have fish or chicken, but the whole family should be there. If I had my wish, I would like to eat Chicken and Cornbread Dressing. A girl can dream, can't she?

Chicken and Cornbread Dressing ( Memaw's)

1 chicken (roasting size)
Salt and pepper

Season chicken and place in a covered roasting pan. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees F. Add dressing to pan and bake about 1 hour more. Remove cover and brown.


4 cups cornbread crumbs
4 slices bread (white or brown)
1 onion (chopped)
4 ribs of celery (chopped)
2 eggs (beaten)
1 teaspoon poultry seasoning
Salt and pepper
2 cans of chicken broth

In a large bowl tear bread to small crumbs. Add onions, celery, eggs, seasoning, and chicken broth. Mix well. Pour around chicken in roasting pan and bake for 1 hour. Remove cover to brown.

Giblet Gravy

Boil livers and gizzards until tender. Chop into small pieces. Make gravy from chicken broth. Thicken with flour. Add chopped chicken pieces and 1 chopped boiled egg. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve over dressing.

(I would like a big plate of this right now. Forget the homemade Greek yoghurt and cereal for my breakfast.)

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