Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pulling Weeds

While I pull weeds I write long editorials and lots of blogs. In my head, of course. Then when I come inside to my iPad I have forgotten what I "wrote." Maybe that is for the best, since some things I write are of no interest to anyone else, or none of their business!

We are trying to make a little, low hedge of boxwoods out front, and this morning early I was weeding out our new "babies." A handful had not survived the transplanting, so I shoved a few new cuttings in their places that had been surviving in a large flower box. I didn't see any new roots on the cuttings, but after over a month they are still green and even getting new leaves. So fingers crossed that this will work.

Actually I have been doing some type of gardening since I was 13 years old. When I was in the 8th grade I realized that if I wanted to have my own spending money, then I was going to have to earn it. I once tried washing the outside of our windows for my mom, but at a penny a pane that did not gather much money. I only worked outside with the hose, and it was hot summer. So actually it wasn't that bad, but I didn't get rich.

As for the gardening, I started out by mowing and trimming our neighbor's lawn every week. At that time their yard seemed huge, but we drove by there last week and saw just how small all of the yards are. Anyway, I remember having to ask my mom to pull the string to start our mower. I was so skinny and weak that I couldn't even do that. That must have been annoying for her to have to leave whatever she was doing to pull the cord.

Then I would mow the front and backyard and edge along the curb with a push edger. (No weed eaters then.) On the rare occasion, I would hand weed around the stepping stones up to the front porch. That would have been a cinch with the tools we have today. Somehow I remember that I made $2.00 ( not per hour!) to do the entire mowing job. I was as happy as a clam! Money in my purse for a trip to the movie or to save up for a new pair of shoes from Baker's Shoe Store.

I wonder if I was "writing" in my head while I cut and weeded back then. I don't remember if I was.

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