Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Waiting for Rain from Isaac

Isaac has washed out too many people in Louisiana and Mississippi, but we are still dry. Too dry! I keep reading that we are going to get rain, but it looks like I will be watering plants and trees outside tomorrow. We have had some slight gusts of wind, and that is enough of that. But a little rain would be welcome here. On the west side of our house you can see sunshine, and on the eastern side everything is black and cloudy.

Our Flip hates this wind. Outside he is okay, but when he hears loud breezes while he is inside, he barks like crazy. He jumps upon the front door or runs to the mudroom door. I think he thinks that a big truck is coming up our road. And he hates big trucks. And he hates big tires.

Right now Flip is begging me to give him attention, but I just say "Bed" and he finds his cage or his bed. Good doggy! Good right now, anyway.

This week we checked our hurricane supplies. Just what I thought, most food items expired two years ago. So my hub found a new list for me, and Flip and I went shopping at Dollar General at 9:00 am today. I know our provisions aren't fancy, but in case we ever have to live for a couple of days without electricity, we will have some food and water to keep us going. In case you are curious about what I stashed away, here is my list:

Water (fresh pumped yesterday)
Soap (my hub said his mother said there was a shortage during WWII)
Toilet Paper (yes, we have a portable toilet)
Powdered milk
Cans of evaporated milk
Saltine crackers
Wheat thins
Peanut butter
Sardines (yes, we eat these!)
Canned peaches
Corn flakes (we can make our own milk from the milk powder)
Breakfast bars ( my hub hates these, but he will eat them if he is hungry)
Pork and beans (Hobo food?)
Canned corn
Canned yams
Potted meat
Can corned beef
Can cooked ham
Moist wipes
Hand sanitizer

Flip is at it again! Poor baby, he thinks a Mac truck is going through our house! Hope we make it through the night.

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