Sunday, December 2, 2012

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It

And if it is broken and belonged to your great-grandma, transport it across the Atlantic Ocean.

The last two days as we unpacked the treasures we had shipped over from The Netherlands, this thought ran through my mind. I own an old dresser and sewing machine that belonged to my Mammaw on my mother's side of the family, but except for a broken watch, what did I inherit from my dad's side of the family?  Too many relatives and a greedy aunt or two?

Our son will inherit lots of good (and not so good) old things one day. I hope that before that time comes that we will have figured out what to do with "what's broke."

Thank goodness we found an old cigar box where my mother-in-law had saved all of the "broken pieces." And a double thank goodness that I saved that box when I decluttered their apartment three years ago when she and my father-in-law were planning to move to a care facility.

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