Monday, December 31, 2012


My hub makes lists. I do not.

But I think I will change that in 2013, since I tend to forget to buy important foods when we grocery shop. And I do not remember meeting or appointment dates like I used to do.

The main list I plan to make is "The Things I Never Ever Plan to Do Again in This Life."

Number 1 will be to never scrub any floors with a bathroom grout brush. Don't get me wrong, our brick foyer and kitchen floors look (and smell) terrific. But that was a LAST! Never, and I mean NEVER ever again will I scrub a floor with a hand brush while scooting around on a plastic step stool. I could have used my rolling garden stool, but it was dirty and too rolling.

So that is the first item on my new list. Think I will post it on my freezer door. Isn't that what people do with lists?

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