Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jelly Roll Quilt Top is Finally Done

Back in July 2012, I started assembling my Jelly Roll quilt top or duvet cover.

Well yesterday I completed the top part. I had cut and sewn just enough strips to make a 140 cm x 210 cm cover for a duvet or maybe a twin size quilt.

It was a cinch! The most time consuming was the piece cutting ( now I have new blades and my own really large cutting board) and sewing the strips in one continuous length.

Yesterday the putting the quilt top together was easy. And my 40+ year old sewing machine (that has seen Europe on two cruises/ once in a small box cushioned by a bed pillow by post in 1979 and later in a box in a huge sea container in 2006) worked like it was new.

Today I added the border, so now to decide what is next. I have the batting and back material for a quilt, but that takes time. A duvet cover may be easier.

Think I will think about this.

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