Thursday, January 17, 2013

Never Again!

If you never go anywhere or do anything, then you have nothing to write about. At least that is the way I look at it. Yesterday we did not go anywhere, but we did something.

First, I took out the garbage. Then while discussing where to put the garbage can, my hub and I decided to open the last two wooden crates containing our newly inherited large paintings. After doing that and moving them into the warm house (freezing temps here at the moment), we decided to transport the empty crates into the barn. Tractor out of the barn and then over to the garage. Crates on the tractor forks he made for the initial container transport, and then all of the crates were moved to a wood collection place in the barn.

Before I could get a broom to sweep out the garage, we both looked at each other and decided to transport the 30 year old mattress to its final resting place, the bed in the barn apartment. And we did!

Then there was one last unpacked box in the corner of the garage. We knew it contained a replacement toilet pot for our "off the floor" toilets, but I would wonder what else was packed in that box if we never opened it. So we opened The Last Box! And you guessed it, just the toilet pot and LOTS of packing paper for padding.

Now we have really, really finished unpacking the shipment. Still a few things to hang on the wall, but we made this move and unpacking on our own! Are we proud? You are darn right! Another one of those things that I do not plan to do again. Ever!

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