Saturday, January 5, 2013

No Chicken Coop Today

My hub, our dog Flip, and I took a short drive today in the pouring rain to see a chicken tractor.  Actually it is a chicken coop with two wheels.  Five good looking chickens were picking the grass while enclosed in the wooden and wire cage.  A few "free range" fowl were enjoying the damp grass and mud outside the pen.

We had seen this particular chicken tractor for sale on Craigslist a couple of nights ago.  After emailing to determine if it was sold yet, we were contacted by the owner that we could come out anytime and see it. So in the downpour of rain this midday, we went out into the "real" country to see if this was what we are looking for.

This morning before I even phoned the young man for an address and a definite appointment, I began to think about how I sometimes do not even want to take care of our beagle.  What would it be like to take care of chickens?

But we went out to see it anyway.

Last evening before bed, my hub and I had discussed that the asking price was about $100 more than the coop was worth.  You could tell from the photo on Craigslist that the coop was bought as a kit, and we could do that! Then our chicken tractor would be new. Poop free!

But we went out to see it anyway.

The rain came, the ground was sopping, and the young man was full of information and very nice. But the moment my hub mentioned that the price was too high for something he could put together himself, the young man said he stood by his price of $350. We reminded him that he had advertised it for $300 on Craigslist. So, I guess he wasn't really trying to sell his chicken tractor anyway.  I thought that when you are dealing, you try to get close to the bid, not farther away!

No hard feelings on either side, but we did not purchase the chicken tractor. No worries for me, and I hope the young man finds a buyer.

Somehow I do not think he learned much about making business deals from us. Or is that the modern way?

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