Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wetcreek Organic Restaurant--It's for the Birds!

I  know, I know.  We just opened the Wetcreek Museum a little while ago.

Yesterday we set up the Wetcreek Organic Restaurant. Three levels of good, fresh, healthy food. All for the birds!

A couple of years ago, my hub saw a really great bird feeder for sale in The Netherlands.  Knowing that one day we would be shipping some furniture back to the US, he purchased the supreme feeder and set it in the garage at his folks' apartment. Well, the bird restaurant finally arrived here safely in Louisiana a month ago with the rest of the antique stuff.

This is a unique construction. Handmade and homemade by a Dutch man who I am sure would be surprised to see his creation on the WorldWideWeb. It has a fantastic straw roof, but we know what Louisiana rain and wind can do to normal roofing. So yesterday my hub added red metal rooftops to the two main dining rooms. Now this restaurant can endure the moisture and wind.

We situated our feeding place near our front porch so that we can keep an eye on our  hungry clients. The little birdies "found" our gourmet seeds within the first 24 hours of its relocation from the garage to the front lawn. Early this afternoon we were able to watch the little critters enjoy all three dining areas.  I just need to buy some fruit for the special third area.  Maybe a pinecone smeared with peanut butter will be a good substitute.

Now to watch to see if the squirrels have spied this new establishment.

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