Thursday, February 7, 2013

Antiques Roadshow Lottery

No, I did not purchase a lottery ticket! The only thing I have ever won in a lottery was a birthday cake. And it wasn't even my birthday! So I redesigned it and REGIFTED it. You read right. I gave it to someone else. Who and for what occasion, I do not remember. That was over 30 years ago.

But I am in the AR lottery for two tickets to the 2013 Roadshow Tour this summer. The Antiques Roadshow is coming to Baton Rouge in July, and we will find out after April 30 if we will be receiving tickets and can participate. So until then I will not worry or even think too much about what 4 items (2 each) we could take to have assessed and scrutinized.

In the meantime, I will keep visiting "brocante" and charity shops in our area and keep posting on my other blog.

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