Saturday, February 23, 2013

February Daffodils

Louisiana February can be any of the four seasons. In fact, a single day in February can be all four seasons.

But today is a cool Spring day. At 9:30 am we have 50 degree F (10 C) with the sun peeking through the clouds. But the ground is mushy with too much rain, and the weeds are taking control.

For my Dutch followers, it is time for the "gras strimmer" or weed trimmer. Remember, that is my job. The Hub does the grass mowing, and he got our small John Deere riding mower working yesterday. So now to wait until the ground dries up sometime next week. Then the race to keep ahead of the grass is on.

We have had blooming flowers all month. The azaleas by the mudroom door and the heirloom double narcissus by the barn corner were the first blooms. Now my little daffodils in the pots on the barbecue porch are beginning to bloom. We overwintered all of our plants outside this year, as you can see from the geraniums and small agaves. These are on the barbecue porch, but the rest are under the eaves in the front of the house. We only had to cover our large agaves planted along the driveway a couple of times. They look fantastic! And the knockout roses are leafing out from the hard trim I did a few weeks ago.

Spring has not sprung, but I am ready to plant my veggies ;)))))

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