Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Walking on Wet Sponges and Monster Agaves

Taking our daily walks with Flip have been quite interesting. The ground around our home and pond is so saturated with rain water that it feels like we are walking on wet, soggy sponges.

Winter has been almost non-existent, and most of the grass/weeds around our house are pretty and lovely green. I keep thinking that I had better get the batteries charged for weed-eating, since around my raised veggie beds and up against the house the weeds are gaining control. If I had planted lettuce a couple of weeks ago, we would be munching on it by now. That is the kind of weather we have had since 2013 began.

After we planted the boxwoods along the walk path, we dug up baby agaves from our collection of plants. We transplanted those babies around our parking spot at the end of the walk path. That area is directly in the flow of draining water this time of year, but come summer it will be like the desert. We will see how the agaves like that. Nothing to lose, since we had "free" plants. The exercise we got planting them was good for the both of us.

Thought you might get a kick out of seeing a photo of a "lady eating agave." We have a couple of huge ones, but this monster is too much!

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