Sunday, March 24, 2013


May he rest in peace.

On the day before Palm Sunday, our dear friend and husband of Hub's special cousin passed away. While we were out grocery shopping on foot (borrowed car has brake problem) this afternoon, we received the sad message that our beloved and respected family member had died on Saturday morning.

HW will always be remembered as an intelligent and compassionate true gentleman. And he was a great gardener and super cook. As he was German, I never read any of his works, but my hub said he was phenomenal in his philosophical writing. Visiting his and his wife H 's home was always a real treat, and the hospitality abounded.

Our condolences go to his loving wife, his doting daughter and his two sons, and their partners and four grandchildren.

We will be with HW's family for the funeral in Germany on Saturday. The day before Easter 2013.

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