Wednesday, March 27, 2013

First Winter, Then Summer? Your Weather Report

Most of our relatives (wherever they are on this Globe), are experiencing the same temperature as we are at this moment. 1degree Celsius or 34 degrees F! Just on the freezing point!

For some of us on this east side of the Atlantic, the temperature will gradually move up a notch or two the next 10 days. Anyone know where I can find earmuffs?

For those of you west of the Mighty Mississip, you will have summer very soon. Look for your shorts and swimsuits and sunglasses.

In the meantime, enjoy the sun, if you have it like we do. ;))))

1 comment:

  1. Could use a bit of sun .... took a bike ride last night and it was 36ยบ (woo hoo! heat wave!), cloudy and damp.
