Sunday, March 10, 2013

Keeping a Family Tradition

Today our son sent a photo of his homemade breakfast of fried pork chops and fried eggs. Now do not worry, since he does not make a habit of eating so much fried food for breakfast. In fact, during the work week he rarely eats breakfast. :( Wish he would go back to the oatmeal breakfasts he used to love.

By frying up the chops this morning, he is keeping his great-grandmother's tradition of pork chop breakfasts. Thanks to running out of bacon, finding chops in the freezer, enjoying a late breakfast on Sunday, and a great recipe from The Pioneer Woman, he prepared this yummy meal.

Hats off to you, favorite son!


  1. That's a high-protein breakfast for sure. :)

    1. Great for my farmer grandpa, but maybe too much for my civil engineer son.
