Saturday, March 2, 2013

Late Winter Freeze

Lazy Saturday afternoon! We try not to shop for anything on Saturdays. It is even a rat race out here in the woods/country.

Yesterday (Friday) we picked up 20 bags of cedar mulch for our garden, and the traffic was reasonable. We even by-passed the cross traffic by taking a leisurely drive around Topsy. Isn't that a cute name? Kind of like something from "Gone with the Wind." Our son likes the road named You Winn which is before you get to Gillis. Don't these names just make you smile? And then there is Kinder (pronounced the German way). Now you can understand why I named my blogspot Wetcreek.

But I started out giving an update of the weather. We have had lots of rain lately, and the last two nights have been cold with frost. Tonight the weather people predict a good freeze. I knew that I should wait to plant my veggies, so the seeds are still safe in their packages.

The weather folks call this a late winter freeze, so spring must be just around the corner.

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