Saturday, April 13, 2013

Kalfslever met spek en uien -- De Pijnappel Restaurant in Klarenbeek

Liver with bacon and onions! Yum!

We have been so lucky with restaurants this last week. I guess that makes up for the bad experiences with restaurants on past trips. Last evening on our sight seeing trip back home from visiting our friends in the "west," we stopped to pick up some milk at a grocery store in Klarenbeek and then ate at the restaurant across the road.

My hub and I are both liver and onion fans, but preparing it myself is always a really messy job. The last time I fried liver, we invited my mom who likes that kind of food, too. This time we chose this delicious meal at a super restaurant in Klarenbeek. We were early for the evening meal, but at De Pijnappel (the Pineapple) that was no problem since the kitchen opens there at noon.

Our meal began with an amuse of a fried breaded shrimp and a sweet/hot dip sauce. We each received one delicious warm shrimp, and our taste buds jumped to attention. What a great starter!

Then after a short wait and a bottle of lightly sparkling water, the feast was presented to us. Besides two large pieces of fried liver, a mound of fried onions, and fried bacon for each of us, the waitress filled the table with two kinds of fried potatoes (French for my hub and fried rounds for me), mixed salad, three different vegetables, and a bowl of apple compote.

We had planned to order dessert, but after cleaning all of the bowls, we did not have room for more food.

Now we have two restaurants in the "neighborhood" that we plan to visit when we return to the Beltway next autumn.

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