Friday, April 5, 2013

Three Year Old with a Hammer

This morning I woke up to the sound of dripping. Or was it tapping? Or maybe scratching?

Oh, something woke me up! In the Beltway apartment it could be anything anywhere. You know how these apartment walls carry the sounds!

Out in the country in Louisiana, I usually wake up to a paw on my face. Flip's paw, that is. But here in the city, it is mostly the "swish" sound of the cars passing on the drivers way to work. But this morning there is the noise similar to a toddler hammering on the wall with his toy hammer or Tonka truck (do they still make those?).

I miss the birds singing here in the city. Maybe these Dutch variety are still shivering from the cold, since the weather is still winter temps here.

I will keep listening for some promising sounds of Spring and hope the tapping sounds take a coffee break or nap. ;D

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