Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Internet Weather Forecast

Having the weather forecast at your fingertips can be a good thing or a not so good thing. Since we still do our own lawn maintenance and gardening, we are weather watchers. All day every day from April to October!

As we were pretty sure that rain was coming our way sometime later today, we got out in the midday sun and heat and filled in the two raised veggie beds that really needed a "lift." Lift in the sense that they were no longer full of planting soil and lift because the soil that was in the two beds was no longer nourishing the plants.

Before the rain came, my hub transported with his tractor over five loads of rice husks compost to the beds. We raked out the big clumps and picked out the almost cement clay bits, and then the little electric tiller did its work. Of course Hub was guiding it along inside the beds, and I was managing the electric cord and picking out large pebbles. Where do those pebbles come from? I have no idea.

While I fertilized and smoothed out the new and improved raised beds, my hub mowed with the finishing mower on the tractor the large part of the yard down to the pond. If we have significant rainfall, he has to wait for at least five days of dry weather to use his tractor.

Ten minutes ago a deluge of rain beat down on the yard and garden.

Whew! We finished in the nick of time!

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