Saturday, May 4, 2013

No Antiques Roadshow Tickets (Sigh)

Well, we were not chosen to receive tickets to the Antiques Roadshow Tour in Baton Rouge this summer.

But no need to despair. We are going to have a family Fling It on Mother's Day.

After I recently gave my grandmother's sewing machine to my interior designer niece, I started seriously thinking about what will happen to all of these "things" I have collected over the last 65 years. (Gulp!)

Our single son may be interested in some of the vintage family treasures, but the rest will probably go straight into the garbage. Look out landfills!

So this is what I organized:

Spring Fling It

Time to clean out that drawer, closet, room, or storage shed. We are going to have our first Family Fling It.

What??: Fling It --A Thing Swap ( not chunking or throwing. Sorry.)
Who: Our family and guests
When: Sunday, May 12, Mother's Day/Memaw's Birthday Party
Where: Uncle F. and Aunt M.'s home
Why: Because Aunt L. wants to get rid of some things, and maybe you might want them.

Simple guidelines: If you want to participate, you must bring some things. It is a "swap" after all. It is recommended that you bring at least one item per category, but bring as many or as few as you like. (No bringy, no flingy, pure and simple.)


Bon Appetite
Sportz Center
Primped and Pampered
Kidz Zone
This and That

PS. W. wanted photos, but that might ruin the fun. And please do not go out and buy something for this Fling It. The idea is to get rid of your old/gently used clutter.

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