Sunday, May 12, 2013

Who's Your Mother?

Yesterday our son accused me of being a "Tiger" mother. 

Actually, I see myself as a "helicopter" mother for my son. Then I can hover when needed or elevate up high when I am not. My only problem is that I do not always have a handle on the controls. So he warns me. Just like yesterday when he arrived for the weekend.

My own mother accused me of being too "mothering" back in the 70's when I telephoned her and my dad every Sunday to check up on them. Being in their late 40's and early 50's, they were not always happy with my mothering, I am sure. But I really think I was just checking in with them because no one was checking in on me. (Those were the Seventies!)

Lately I have taken on more of the "mothering" of my own mother. This week it was cataract checkup, and soon it will be a specialist appointment and cataract surgery of the other eye. She doesn't complain much about my "smothering" anymore. 

Oh well, just a little bit. Don't ask her if she has the key to her house when she pulls the door shut behind her as we leave to go to the doctor. Too s'mothering!

Who's your Momma?

1 comment:

  1. I think I am my own momma. :) (My real one died last year.)
