Friday, June 14, 2013

Living Proof and A Dozen Eggs

Yes, it is that time in my life. I must prove that I am alive and kicking. 

Since I turn 65 next week, it is time for me to notify my pension companies that I am ready to start drawing what I have paid into them. So we took my paper work by the notary public and came out with a signed and stamped document and a dozen free range eggs. Gratis free range eggs! 

If I am not mistaken, we came out way ahead on this deal. Have you priced organic, free range eggs lately?


  1. Happy Birthday, I hope you will enjoy your special day. I do enjoy getting my pension deposited each month in my account.

  2. I never knew they give eggs when you are about to turn 65? :)
    Have a wonderful week and a great birthday celebration!

  3. I am spoiled when it comes to eggs - we buy them from a friend (who keeps chickens), at a ridiculously low price, and they are amazing.

    You definitely got the best end of the deal!
