Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Beef Stew and 95 Degrees F

Most people go for the cool food like salads and melons in these summer temps. I cook whatever I find in the freezer and food pantry. 

Tonight we will have beef stew, boiled potatoes, and purple cabbage with apples. I know this is definitely a mid-winter supper, but inside, our house feels like mid-winter.

We have been battling the air conditioner downstairs for a month now. Our repairman has been called so many times that now he either ignores our calls or perhaps thinks he has better things to do than come out here again. But he came out this morning and decided he needed to order a coil, this time. He hopes to be back on Friday with the new part, and we hope so, too.

In the meantime, all upstairs and downstairs machines are functioning (until the fluid drips out!), and the constant noise of the floor fan in our bedroom is silent.

Flip is still sleeping in the study, but at the moment the downstairs AC is pumping cold air on his back. 

Not the "dog days of summer" you would imagine.

1 comment:

  1. A bit of irony there....

    We just bought our first little window unit (have lived without AC for more years than I can count) and are looking forward to being a little more comfortable than in past summers. Hope yours gets properly fixed soon!
