Monday, July 1, 2013

Convertible for a Picnic

It is that time again. The HOT time! Just look below at my thirsty potato vine. It will perk up, but doesn't that look sad?

I have been lazy with my photography lately, since my son said he had ordered me a new camera. But my iPad takes fine shots, even in the bright noonday sun. So here goes!

On my birthday last week, my mom gave me a gift to go out and buy a picnic table for the front yard. This summer we have been sitting on the front porch a whole lot, and I wanted a picnic table for the yard. Sometimes sitting in the grassy areas is cooler than on the brick porch.

My hub and I had been Internet shopping for this table with separate benches (we are too old and "fluffy" for the attached ones) for some time. I saw that there was a convertible bench/bench and table at a couple of Internet stores, but I was not sure they were very durable and sturdy.

When we finished our latest eye doctor appointment last Wednesday, I asked Hub to stop off at a "junque" shop on the way back home. There were some wooden swings, rocking chairs, and lots of rusty junk outside the store. But we went inside, and there it was. A cedar convertible bench/ table!
The price was a wee bit more than I wanted to spend, and the maker would not budge with his price. So we bought it anyway!

My hub asked for a special screw driver, and the shopkeeper dragged her hub out of his air conditioned shop to help us with an electric one. There was no way this bench would fit in our covered pick up truck bed without being dismantled. That was all a piece of cake (and Mom,
not Paula Deen's sour cream pound cake;))).

My photos below show you my 65th birthday gift from my mom and my hub. Thank you and kisses for you both. I look forward to many hours of enjoyment sitting on this bench. 

Now have we placed it in the right place? 

When do the mosquitoes come out?

(Notice the white plastic footpads? We sometimes have standing water here during heavy rains. Hee Hee. It never stands very long. Not this dry soil.)


  1. When in table mode how do you get your "fluffy" selves into eating position? Seems to be the same problem as a traditional picnic table...

  2. Very carefully. ;)))) seems more stable and bench is wider so you won't flip off the back. Still not ideal, I know.
