Saturday, July 27, 2013

House (with Grandma) for Sale in Amsterdam

Truth is stranger than fiction.

If you have been reading my blog for very long, you know that we now own an apartment that was listed on for almost three years. So to say that the real estate market in The Netherlands is pretty bad is an understatement. 

But today I read about a really unique situation in the house market in Amsterdam. I did not believe the Dutch newspaper article, so I Googled the address to determine if this was a hoax. No hoax, and here is the situation:

On Thursday someone placed an advertisement on concerning selling a monument canal house at Herengracht 24 in Amsterdam for 875,000 Euros (1,160,000 US $).

The following is the description in Dutch. The last paragraph is the clincher:

"Het betreft een geheel perceel van 1 are en 39 centiare en een woon- werkoppervlak van 285 m2 met gemengde bestemming: wonen en werken, gesitueerd aan de gracht met een tuin van 60 m2 op het zuiden.

Het betreft een Rijksmonument, telt 8 kamers en verkeert in matige staat van onderhoud.

In 1947 is er een nieuwe betonnen bak aan de voorzijde van het pand aangebracht.

Een oudere dame (92 jaar) woont op de zolderverdieping, circa 60 m2, en heeft gratis woongenot op deze verdieping tot haar overlijden.
Zij draagt € 150,- per maand bij voor gas en elektra."

Translation of last paragraph-- [An elderly lady (92 years old) lives up in the attic, which is 60 square meters, and has free living allowance on this floor until she dies. She pays 150 Euros per month for gas and electricity.]

I researched this house and found out that it was built in 1615 and has been a rental property for much of its existence. Here are  photos of the front door. 

And the way it looked when it was built. Notice that #24 is on the left of this lovely building.

I keep wondering how the elderly lady climbs all of those stairs to get to and from her dwelling, since no elevator is mentioned in the description. 

Since July 25, 2013, she will certainly be known as "Grandma in the Attic."

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