Saturday, August 31, 2013

Beginning with a Clean Slate

No, I am not writing about school slates or even roof slates. I am beginning our next project. Figuring out what to do with this:

Looks almost religious, but there will surely be some unkind words before this is over. 

This is the way we left the Beltway Apartment last November 2012. (The two white rectangular glows are sun reflections from the two Velux windows.) The plate rack with blue/white plated were delivered to my MIL's friend back last March. And all of the sheer drapes have been removed.

Take my word for it, this apartment is HUGE by Dutch standards. The entire living and dining space is at least triple what you see above. And then a large kitchen, pantry big enough for washer, dryer, standup freezer, and lots of shelves! Two large bedrooms, a hall we plan to turn into a walk-in closet for both bedrooms, two bathrooms, and two toilets (one included in the master bathroom). And the foyer and a windowless study.

The plans are to start this make-over project in October 2013. When we go back to the Beltway, I will take more photos of the naked truth.

Until then, we can start dreaming (uh,planning).  ;}

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