Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Yuck! Who Buys Clothes from Goodwill?

Periodically I wag a large bag of used clothing to our local Goodwill. 

 I try to make sure to take only usable wear, since hassling with a lot of rags is not what Goodwill should be doing. Everything I take is clean and mended, and sometimes even NEW and has never been worn. Everybody makes buying mistakes, or "it looked so good in the store, but why not on me?"

Yesterday I took advantage of my 20% discount at Stage by picking up a couple of long sleeve cotton shirts for my hub to wear while mowing. (And I found a couple of blouses for me on sale, too.) As I left Stage, I remembered that Goodwill next door just might have shirts for grass cutting. So I stepped in and went straight to Men's Wear and shirts. There they were waiting for me. Not one, not two, not three, but four long sleeve cotton shirts in my hub's size. Brand new, never been worn Ralph Lauren shirts! $3.99 each. Too good to be true! The cashier said they had just put them on the rack, and they almost never had that size available.

My hub liked them a lot. Almost too good for wearing while riding the tractor! Wrong! All four of the shirts looked pristine on first glance. After running them through the wash, I found the snags. Not bad, but enough that they are not "dress" shirts. Seconds? Rejects? Outlet Mall finds? Since the nearest Outlet Mall is well over 100 miles from here, I am glad I found these only 30 miles away. They are keepers.

Since I have to go back into town again this afternoon, maybe I can fill up a bag of really used clothing for Goodwill. Got to make room for the new shirts ;)

And take a peek at the real felt hat I found for 49 cents. 

Too small  for me to wear, but great for decor!


  1. WE wear clothes from Goodwill! I used to sew all my own clothing, but sad to say it's cheaper now to buy clearance or secondhand readymade.

    Those shirts sound like a great find. My best deal so far has been a beautiful knee-length vintage leather coat for $10. :)

  2. I love your hat. Look so simple but elegant. The color is so beautiful. Have a nice day

  3. Hi Linda,
    What good fortune to have found three wonderful shirts. The Goodwill always has some wonderful items. Your hat is a lovely color.

    Also, thank you for leaving a comment on my blog! I had to come back to yours instead of replying to your comment, because you are showing up as a No Reply Blogger, which means no one can directly connect with you when you leave a comment...and it may prevent people from replying back when you leave them. You can google how to fix it, but I think you just go to your blogger settings and Edit Profile and check the box that says Show Email. I had to do the same thing. Hope this helps!

    Your newest follower,

  4. Oooh I get almost everything in thrift stores/goodwill.

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be sure to check in on yours regularly x

  5. Oooh I get almost everything in thrift stores/goodwill.

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be sure to check in on yours regularly x
