Sunday, December 22, 2013

Have I the Real Spirit of Christmas ? -anno 1938


    Christmas, you know, is the holiday that everyone celebrates in some way. One person might celebrate it one way, while another celebrates it entirely differently. Some people lose the real idea of Christmas in the maze of parties and gaieties they attend and give during the holidays.
     The idea of gifts at Christmas was originated when the three Wise Men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Christ Child. They gave these to Him, thinking that He would benefit by them. Through centuries and generations this thought has come down to us. We help those who need help, and in doing so we make ourselves happy.
      The celebration of Christmas is stressed in every country for the same reason, but is different in some way in each. Still the spirit is the same.
       During this whole holiday season ask yourself this question: "Have I the real spirit of Christmas?"

(By C. -Editor Chapman)

On Facebook yesterday, my dear brother published this piece written by my dad when he was the editor of the sophomore journal publication in January 1939. I took the liberty to transcribe it above for easier reading. [As a side note, Daddy's father (our grandfather) passed away on December 24, 1940.]

Hugs to all my readers and a very Merry Christmas <3, Linda


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. May the spirit of Christmas bring us
      love, hope and peace! Ria....x !!

  2. Thank you for sharing this ... and how handsome your dad was! :)

    1. You are welcome and hope all is well with your dad. Hugs, Linda

  3. How neat that your dad wrote this! Merry Christmas!

    1. Enjoy your family and the holidays! Hugs, Linda

  4. What a sweet and tangible piece of family heritage to treasure! Merry Christmas, Linda. So glad to have "met" you. Looking forward to another year of blogging friendship!

    1. Enjoy your visit with your parents this afternoon. Give them a Christmas hug for me. Linda
