Friday, January 10, 2014

600 Blog Posts in Two Years! Who and What is Wetcreek?

Wetcreek (actually this creek has a different name, but it is mostly wet)

Flip, our beagle/harrier

My favorite restaurant food (Indonesian rijsttafel)

Bread maker

Lindy Loopy maker (recycled baby onesie)

Collector (this is a Clarice Cliff "rural scene" dessert plate)

Hemmer and remodeler at the Beltway apartment

Gardener of many veggies

Sightseer (our local lake is empty)

Favorite Dutch home cooked stamppot meal (kale stamped in mashed potatoes with beef sausage)

Jammer of almost anything, even tomatoes

Blogger for fun and to rant

Amateur photographer

Greek yoghurt maker (I'm thrifty)

Crafter and Pinterester

And wife, mother, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, great-aunt, neighbor and just me. 

That is Wetcreek.

***I am blog partying with


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Paulette. You have been a great blog friend ;) Linda

  2. The creek is lovely, and Flip is adorable. He has many similarities to our Jolene (which makes sense because they both have beagle in them!)

    Have a great weekend!


  3. I like the creek, so beautiful. Is the owner of the restaurant Indonesian? That's our daily meal. Your bell peppers and eggplants look so fresh.

    1. The restaurant is the Garoeda Restaurant in The Hague, The Netherlands. Linda

  4. I love your pedestal plate at the bottom! It's beautiful!

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