Friday, March 7, 2014

End of the Road (Or End of my Rope ;D )

However you look at it, installing our gate at the end of our road today is the last building chore. And as for most building jobs, I stay out of it.

When we came to live in the US in 2006 (me--repatriation after 27 years in The Netherlands and my hub--immigration the correct and time/money consuming way) we shipped all of our worldly possessions and more here to our soon-to-be-built home. For over a year our 500+ boxes and crates of "goods" rested in our climate-controlled metal barn.

One item still remains in that barn waiting to be installed. That is our gate. 

Finally, today, after 7 1/2 years in our barn, someone is coming to install the gate. It will have a home for the third time (first at my in-law's home, then ours in The Netherlands, and now here in southwest Louisiana.)

We are literally and figuratively "at the end of the road."

We are now living in our second home at the end of the road. The home below was the last house on that side of our road. The road ended in "De Hel." (no translation needed!)

That is the gate. 

Installation is still in progress here in the US. Two hours down and counting!


  1. Home is where the gate hangs:) Congratulations. Hug B

    1. Let's just hope it hangs sometime soon. Linda

  2. Now what will you do with yourself?

    1. Hmmm. If it will just warm up outside, there is lots to do. Linda

  3. And now what will you do with all that free time?????...:)JP

    1. Yard work has begun. Just not today! ;) Linda

  4. Wat leuk dat jullie dat hek hebben meegenomen uit Nederland. Leuke boerderij hadden jullie hier ook, maar dat de weg in 'De Hel' eindigde is toch wat minder......
    Fijn weekend,

  5. I can't wait to see it, Linda! Aren't you happy to see the end in sight? Of course, in reality, there IS NO END because something always needs a little something! GREAT gate! xo Diana

  6. How wonderful you have your home and soon you will have your gate. You are a woman of great patience, fortitude and stamina. Congratulations on your dreams coming true. I'm sure your house will be a place you will love forever. Susan
