Monday, March 17, 2014

Garden Before Our Vacation

We will start a six week vacation tomorrow.

I cleaned out our raised garden beds during the last two weeks. Here is what they looked like a week ago.

On March 14, 2014, I planted 16 tomato plants, 4 green pepper plants, and two eggplants. Then I filled in with some " over dated" pea seed and basil seed. 

On Saturday, March 15, my hub and I set up 15 tomato cages around most of the tomato plants. That evening and night we received  a lot of rain. And last night (Sunday) there was a light frost.

This veggie garden of 2014 will be a "the plants did it on their own" garden. The rabbits may devour the peas like in "Peter Rabbit" and your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine if the tomatoes will find their cages and stay in them (of course if they didn't freeze to death last night!).

Stay tuned for After photos at the beginning of May. 

And come back to this blog for "European Vacation" highlights. (We haven't even left Houston yet, and we have already had a few "situations.")

Tot Ziens (see you later), Linda


  1. Hope you have a wonderful vacation.

  2. Enjoy your vacation, Linda...I am anxious for ours!!! I certainly hope the frost wasn't too severe....that always happens to my sister...:)JP

  3. This is what I need! You've done a great job, here's hoping the plants fare well while you're away. Safe trip and have a fabulous holiday x

  4. Ready for your garden time, you have done a great job. Looks so neat. I will grow everything if I have a wide garden like yours. Keep safe and have a great vacation.

  5. wow - sounds like the vacation of a lifetime!
    Your beds look amazing.

  6. Mooie bakken voor je groente en kruiden.
    Fijne vakantie en tot over zes weken.
