Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Home of Pope John XXIII and No Photo!

When we realized that we had booked our stay tonight in the hometown of Pope John XXIII, we chuckled that this trip to Italy had included mostly religious places (Passion Play's Oberammergau, a cloister, and now this Papal birthplace).

 I think at that realization things started going wrong. 

We continued our drive up to a special vineyard at the top of the mountain near Bergamo, Italy. The road became steeper and narrower, and even a "guardian angel/ elderly gentleman" gave us advice to drive all the way to the top and not consider trying to walk the steep 800 meters.

The view from the parking lot was magnificent! (Sorry No Photo!!!)

Then we entered the beautiful facility and were warmly greeted by the kind owner who had some bad news. had been trying to reach us to let us know that there had been a huge mistake. Our booking at this extremely extraordinary agritouristic establishment was not possible. The owner was hugely apologetic, tried to help us find another place, offered us a cup of coffee, phoned our new booking, gave us a bottle of wine, and showed us out the door.

So here we are. In a highway hotel! Pizza for dinner! And my hub swears the room is vibrating!

Do you think someone in a higher place is having the last laugh on this Holy Week?


  1. LOL!!! You had me at his Papal birthplace!!!!...:)JP

  2. I just read a book titled 'The Shoemakers Wife' by Adriana Trigiani that described the mountains in Bergamo. How lucky you are to see such a beautiful place. What a shame about your reservations. Love hearing about your trip, thanks for sharing.

  3. How exciting!!! Wish you had taken a photo :) Hopefully the rest of your trip will go smoothly. Hoping for updates.
