Friday, June 20, 2014

We Are On the Map!

Bing Maps, that is!

It took almost one year of weekly email messages, but finally Bing Maps has the name of the lane to our home correctly spelled on its map website. 

When we had built our home 7 years ago, my hub ordered a street/lane sign and purchased a pole. Actually it was more of a joke than anything else. But then about a year ago he noticed on internet map sites that our lane name was not correct, never dreaming that the sign would be taken seriously. 

So he started reminding Bing Maps that they needed to do something about correcting their mistake.

And TaDa! 
Yesterday the lane name was fixed! 

Now to get Google Maps to clean up their act! 


  1. Great news!!!! Still trying to get Google Maps to correct their blunder here too!...:)JP

  2. Great fun....I wonder if I named our lane if it would appear on the maps.

  3. Wat grappig Linda!
    En eindelijk een goed gespelde naam!

    Een hartelijke groet,
