Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pensacola in the Heat

Hub, Flip, and I are spending the 4th in Florida to attend my youngest niece's beach wedding. 

Sand between our toes! Sun on our faces (and our toes)! Maybe even water on our legs and toes! 

It should be interesting to see Flip take a big swig of that salty water.

Well, that is later. And I will write about that tomorrow.

First, we needed to get through the breakfast of cereal, peach "fake" yoghurt, and a packaged blueberry muffin. What happened to the cute little waffle irons to make warm waffles? My son and I watched young and old guests fill little brown paper bags to the brim with everything that looked anything like food from the breakfast bar. It was like a storm was coming and food was being rationed. Hope they ate it all!

Next, we went out shopping. As Flip was along for the ride, my Hub and I could not shop together. One of us had to mind the dog, since no one should leave their child or pet in a 90 degree F vehicle! So I got to shop first at T.J.Maxxand Home Goods. Saved a lot of money there, since I didn't buy anything! Then had my Swatch battery replaced for a special price at a jeweler's, and lastly browsed through JoAnn's and got flip flops for the beach, repair needles for my sewing, and two rotary blades for my quilt rotary cutter. My hub laughed that I spent so much time to buy practically nothing.

Then it was his turn. We drove over to another part of town to a Harbor Freight store. This time Flip and I braved the heat and took a walk through the parking lot, under a couple of trees, and in front of a few shops in the strip mall. We waited outside the hardware store in the shade for Hub, and plenty of folks gave Flip a silent smile. 

He was a good, hot doggy.

Afternoon siesta in 68 degree F hotel room.

Do I dare wear these to the beach wedding?

Speaking of toes. Here is the wedding party getting "peddied" yesterday.
Notice anything unusual?


  1. Ondanks de warmte een gezellige dag als voorbereiding op de bruiloft.
    Volgens mij is er niets mis mee om deze slippers op een strandfeest te dragen.
    Een mooie dag gewenst!

    Lieve groet,

  2. Are all the estheticians men?

  3. A couple of those guys look a bit frightening. LOL

  4. Fijn dat Flip mee mag en ja dat hebben wij ook soms als Snarf met ons meegaat, om beurten onze boodschappen doen. Wel iets heel bijzonders die mannen aan de voeten, haha.
    Een heel fijne trouwerij toegewenst!
