Sunday, August 17, 2014

Love Letters--A Peek into My Past

This week I helped my mom clean out and declutter the closet in her study. 

A few things went straight to the trash. (A large box of 20 year old copies of Reader's Digest mags, two computer consoles without hard drives, and an old computer printer). 

A couple boxes of my books and school yearbooks came home with me after having spent 35 years in her closets. Some bits and pieces of sewing material scraps plus an almost completed quilt flimsy (with blocks of many of my dresses from the 1970's) and quilt batting and an old quilting frame found its way into the trunk of my Jeep. Needless to say, that looks like a project for me.

But what I really was looking for among the Christmas decorations and a box of my Dad's photos and memorabilia was a box of Love Letters. "Love letters" I had written to my Mother and Father when I made my life changing move from Louisiana to The Netherlands back in 1979. Many of the letters are at least 30 years old or even older.

One of the last boxes I sorted through in the closet contained my letters. Yippee!! Well, at least most of the letters were there. There was evidence in the box that some small creature had snacked on a few envelopes, so maybe the rest were the main course. 

Anyway, I have lots of memories to enjoy in those letters. Today I read through the 20 letters from my first 6 months of living in Europe, and I have decided to share excerpts from some letters that some of my followers might actually enjoy. 

The letters to my folks were definitely not complaint letters, as my mom says that sometimes this blogpost can be. 

So come back later for a peek into my past.


  1. I know I'll enjoy the letters. What's a quilt flimsy? When I got divorced and moved away, I left behind the love letters I had saved for 30 years. I decided it was X's job to deal with them. I imagine they went in the trash, and that's fine. But what a waste to throw away 30+ years together.


    1. A flimsy is the quilt top without the batting, back, and edging. Still trying to decide where to begin with the great reveal. Linda

  2. Oh, these will be so interesting to hear. So glad you found them!

    P.S. I don't think your blog is too complain-y at all!
