Monday, September 1, 2014

LL 17 september 1979

17 september 1997

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Well, I have been here three months, but it will take the same number of years to really be part of everything here. I think Americans really appreciate the U.S. when they stay away for a few months. Life is relatively simple and uncomplicated for me, and I'm thankful I'm taking the Michigan State course. I travel and am with other Americans, so Mondays and Thursdays are special.

Today I will go early to The Hague to meet with my teacher. I have to discuss an independent study project with him. So I'll leave here around 1:00 p.m. It takes me 1 1/2 hours to go from my apartment to the school (2 bus rides + 1 train). It gives me a chance to "people" watch.

I will begin Dutch lessons on Thursday-Sept. 27. (7:15 pm-8:45 pm-- one day a week for 24 weeks). So my Thursdays will be full of lessons. I had to take a Dutch test last Thursday to determine my class placement. I choked when I saw it, but at least I was admitted.

Last Wednesday I waited for 4 hours in a line at the Police Station to register as a new resident. I will have to go back in December to show work papers or marriage certificate. 

The weather is sunny but getting cooler. We have low 50's at night and low 70's in the day. As long as the sun shines, I love it. We walked to town last Saturday afternoon to search for an English dictionary (I forgot to bring one). The weather was nice, and after 5:00 the streets were about empty. All stores close at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday.

Friday night we went to a wedding party (not the wedding). The people drank coffee, sherry, whiskey, wine, beer, and still were going strong when we left at 10:30 p.m. The wedding cake was different, but delicious. The crowd sang to the new couple, and everyone danced in a chain-like dance. Very interesting, but not for me! I like quiet receptions.

Well, take care and write when you can.
Love, Linda

(Note: A great example of the Dutch Polonaise dance is @


  1. What a great old letter....and DID you have a QUIET reception? xo Diana

  2. Ha! My Dutch in-laws lived out amongst the Dutch farmers. The reception was anything but quiet! Not my cup of tea or my plan, but it happened! My FIL was in "hogs heaven" as he loved all the merriment. My MIL was happy that he was happy. My parents were dumb-founded. 35 years ago next June! Hope you enjoy my letters. I will be posting more.Linda

  3. Haha, I am enjoying all your letters, it does me think of the time I was as "au pair" in England long ago of which I still have the letters from and to my parents. I can imagine what you think of the Polonaise, I am a Dutch farmer's daughter, but it was and is also not my cup of tea. At our own wedding I was afraid that friends would lift us and carry around singing: "Zij leven hoog, zij leven hoog........., and yes it happened.......

  4. What a lovely thing to share.
