Friday, September 12, 2014

LL 7 oktober 1979 and Shelfie #11

7 oktober
8:10 p.m.

Dear Mother and Daddy,
While I'm taking a study break, I'll write you a few lines. I just received a call to substitute for a 6th grade English class in the Middle School in the Hague for tomorrow. I did the same thing last Wednesday and substituted in the Rotterdam school on Friday. So I am busy and making $35 each day I work. J. will drive me there tomorrow, and I have my M.S.U. class that night. So I 'll be tired when I arrive home at 7:30 tomorrow night.

My university class is called Evaluation of Educational Programs. It will be over Wednesday night, but I still have to turn in a paper in November. I made 29 of 32 points on the test (an A) last Wednesday night. I have a take-home test to complete by Wednesday, so I plan to do well on that, too. The class is not so interesting, but I've managed.

I am pretty sure we'll buy me a car in two weeks. We looked at a DAF ( beige with black seats) yesterday and it looks good--a'72 or '73 model for 1,250 guilders or about $600. If we buy it, I'll drive it home two weeks from today.

Mother, if you can, we would like you to get the following for us. Pay yourself from my checking account.

For J.-light blue dress Levi's (1pair) or the like
          waist 38
          length 36
          maybe a couple (2) of good cheap shirts (long or short sleeve--he likes short 
          sleeves) size 16 1/2 with long sleeve length
For Me-Levi's or Wranglers
          (2 pair--size 11 or 28-29 waist)
          underpants--size 5=5 pair
          camisoles-warm ones but not expensive
          Skim Milk Cleaner> Charles Revson
          Skim Milk Toner
              2 bottles of each. They are white bottles with blue print.
          Maybe a slip (full) if you see a nice one.
That's All I Can Think Of

How was the week-end with the kiddos? I was glad that S. and W. answered the phone. 4 months is a long time to not hear their voices. By the way, Daddy, I'm still waiting for your letter. And next time I call I hope to talk to you, too.

We fried chicken this evening before I called home. I had baked a coconut pie this afternoon so we had a pretty decent dinner with a big green salad. We really eat very well. Last Wednesday night we went to Amsterdam to the Mexican restaurant. We waited 1 1/2 hours, but the nachos and tacos were worth the wait. It cost only $17 for us both, and that is cheap here.

Well, I'll go and get my books together for substituting. Tell everyone hello, and I'll let you know when we'll be able to come home for Christmas. If there is something you want me to bring (Delft china, good cheese, wooden shoes [ha]), please let me know. I'll write again this week-end.

Shelfie #11

Love, Linda

Blog Party:
 Ivy and Elephants


  1. Love it- every word of it- and we wore the same size pants! lol xo Diana

  2. Replies
    1. Ha! And Pop thought the price of the car was amazing! Thought the sizes would put all of this into perspectivr. Linda

  3. Wat een heerlijk nostalgische brief uit vroeger tijden.
    Je hebt dus vroeger in Nederland gewoond!

    Lieve groet,
