Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Back at the Beltway Apartment

It is autumn here, and we are back at the Beltway apartment in The Netherlands.

Thank goodness for insulated windows, because there is activity right outside the front door of our apartment complex.

More about that at a later time. My "inner clock" is still on Louisiana time ( 4:30 am), so I am off to bed for a few hours in order to catch up on jet lag. ( or jet leg, as the Dutch call it!)


  1. Enjoy, Linda....get some well deserved rest...try ear plugs perhaps?...:)JP

  2. Looks like they've either uprooted or are about to plant a really big tree.

  3. well it will be lovely when completed, lol, maybe ear plugs will be the answer for a bit, I love the term jet leg, lol

  4. How exciting.Looking forward to learning more about your visit. :-)

  5. Ik wens je een hele fijne tijd in Nederland!

    Lieve groet,
