Sunday, November 2, 2014

Night Frost Way Down South

Yesterday we could have left our jackets on the coat rack in the foyer. It was that warm here in this small "kikkerland" (frog land). [By the way, we woke up two huge frogs while tidying up the leaves on Oma and Opa's gravestone at the cemetery yesterday.]

According to my weather app on my iPad, my outside plants back home in southwest Louisiana are experiencing night frost as I write this post. What is going on with this weather? The world is standing on its head!

Oh, well! I plan to enjoy this beautiful "summer" November day here in Nederland today and have my socks and shoes ready for a long walk.

Just have to wait another hour until my walking partner wakes up ;))

1 comment:

  1. Nuts to the frost. I vote for year round summer.
