Sunday, December 28, 2014

Road Trip (In the Big City)

We are in the Big City. You know, the one with a neighborhood, swimming pool, kiddie park next to the dog poop place, and squirrels and possums and raccoons that have over populated the area. Actually, it sounds more exciting than out at Wetcreek.

Well, yesterday we took a city road trip. 

To avoid "cabin fever" we drove to a HUGE flea market. The weather was drizzling rain and progressively dipping to a chilling temp, but we took a walk along the open stalls of mostly similar goods. JUNK no one needs! Or even wants! I can imagine this could be a busy place in nice weather. But I've seen the acres of little stalls ( even if most weren't open), and we probably won't be coming back to check out the action.

After the Flea Market, we visited Aldi. No plastic bags, some food brands we had never heard of, and paying a quarter to "rent" a shopping cart. I am not really sure how popular this store is (only six customers in the store--we made up half of that!), but I would surely frequent it if there was one near Wetcreek. A gallon of milk for $1.99! And some German food items that we love, such as jarred red cabbage/apples and sauerkraut. So our shopping visit was a success.

Before returning to our son's home to watch the next episode of "House of Cards," we drove through an old suburban neighborhood with some lovely large homes (each on at least an acre of land). Then I saw it! A lovely derelict home in this neighborhood. Mercedes in the driveway! Christmas decorations on the fence gate. And I began to laugh. It was ludicrous that for at least 30 years no one had done anything to or with this home. I didn't look too much at the vehicle, but the wreath and Christmas lights had been up for years. And the white painted walls were green with mold! Soooo Saaaad! We could see into the backyard, and there were numerous dilapidated vehicles. I can only imagine what you would find inside the house. And how this neglect even came about.

Our "chauffeur" made another loop down another street in the area, and we drove by "The Adams Family" house. I kept waiting for someone really spooky to step out the front door.

These decrepid homes sprinkled among the lovely houses made me ready to jump right in and "flip" them. 

Not really, but this was incredible!

Sorry, no photos!


  1. Should have told me to take some photos!

  2. Oh a makeover opportunity of the best kind! Hey, I found gas for 1.99 a gallon, milk would be nice too!

    Happy holidays Linda!

  3. Good to go for a 'where the mood takes you' wander sometimes. Shame about the Flea market, I'm a fan of Aldi though, really like all the Continental stuff and always bargains aplenty! Happy New Year Linda x

  4. Stopping in to say Hi and Happy New Year.
    I am not a fan of Aldi, I have received some poor customer service at the one in our local area.
    Yes, I do like that they carry the German candy. :-) Yummy. Just wish customer service was better.
