Thursday, December 4, 2014

What's Up With Lady Godiva?

LL 18 november 1979
zondag avond

Beste Moeder en Vader,

Did Lady Godiva find her clothes? Or maybe her horse? I enjoyed our phone visit, but I can always hear the counter clicking away in the study. J. wants me to talk a lot, but I hate to spend so much money on phone calls. Especially since we'll see you in a month!!!

I am enclosing a copy of our flight plan. Hope you can figure it out. I translated a lot, but it still may be confusing. Anyway we'll be there around 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 20th.

I'm getting ready for December 5th (Sinter Klaas). We will exchange gifts with J's family. They don't spend much money, tho'. I think they give gifts for about 10 guilders (5 dollars). Tomorrow after I work at school, we'll drive to Amsterdam to shop and eat Mexican food. I'm hungry for tacos again, and J. likes them, too. By the way, he would like to have ham (a big baked one) while we are there. Perhaps you could have it Christmas or New Year's Day. We can't buy meat like that here. Last year he thought it was fantastic to cut big pieces off the bone while he was at my apartment. Anyway, I want him to watch us cook it, too. His mother cooks everything on top of the stove, and he is amazed when I use the oven.

I'll write again later. Hope you had a good Turkey Day.
Linda and J--


  1. Hi Linda, had a few extra seconds and thought I'd pop over to your blog. I always enjoy your posts and find your letters to your mom interesting.

  2. Zie dat ik een aantal posten heb gemist. Je reportage over Rotterdam vond ik fantastisch, er is inderdaad zoveel ten goede veranderd, en die markthal is een super aanwinst, ben er pas ook geweest.
    Verder je correspondentie met je moeder weer bijgelezen, altijd zo leuk. Zag ook nog een foto voorbijkomen van dat oude stoffige restaurant Wiener Wald, daar gingen we wel eens lunchen bijna 50 jaar geleden.....

  3. Interesting! Why couldn't you buy meat (like the ham) in Holland?!

    1. Finding good meat (beef or pork) is still not an easy task in The Netherlands (according to me!). Beenham (ham with bone) is about the size of your fist. It tastes good, but is expensive and not the size of the ham we had at Thanksgiving (11-12 pounds!). Spanish srerrano ham is huge (expensive) and almost like jerky. Memaw and Papaw carried a huge ham in their hand baggage when they came for Christmas after J. was born. ;) Aunt Linda
