Saturday, January 10, 2015

35 Year Old Memories

Last year I found letters that I wrote to my mom and dad after I moved to The Netherlands. I have enjoyed reading them and thought some Wetcreek Blog followers would enjoy them, too.

Here is one that I wrote exactly 35 years ago from our apartment in Crooswijk in Rotterdam:

10 januari 1980

Dear Mother and Daddy,

While my curlers heat up, I'll write you a few lines. I've been busy at home this week plus I've caught up with my sleep. I could have worked Tuesday, but the principal called too late (The Hague High School). I am applying for a job as administrative assistant at Seatrain Europa. It is an English or American container company. My friend M. (A's sister) works there and will tell the personnel man about me. I'm mailing a letter to him today. I'll let you know how it comes out.

We've had chocolate chip cookies and homemade ice cream this week. The freezer works great, and I served ice cream to three of our friends last night. I told them that they were probably the only Dutch people in Holland to eat choc. chip cookies and homemade ice cream last night. Everyone enjoyed the treats. I can't tell if J. likes either. He still hasn't gotten rested from the trip. Maybe he will "sleep out" on Sunday.

I got new potting soil yesterday from a nice garden center, so I'll repot plants this afternoon. Our friend A. only watered them once while we were gone, but that was enough with the cool apartment. I've got all kinds of ideas for improving the looks of the apartment, but J. says to save my ideas for a house. Since we will probably stay here another year or so, I think I'll try some of my ideas anyway.

I'll close and see if I can make a few curls. Write when you can. Give everyone our love.

Linda and J.

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