Monday, January 19, 2015

Got Him and Photos and LL 17 januari1980

The mouse, that is! Now waiting for my hub to take him to his final resting place, and then the cleaning and organizing of the pantry begins.

While I wait, I'd like to share a few photos and another Love Letter to my parents.

This is the Buziaustraat in Rotterdam where we lived back in 1979 - 1982.

Our apartment was up this set of stairs and on the left. Even after entering the apartment you had to walk another flight of stairs to get into the living area. We were both in great shape!!!!

Our bedroom was even another flight up with the only toilet downstairs on the living level.
Confused yet???

I think this is the latest view. The apartment with the For Sale sign is the neighbor's, not our old apartment. Our kitchen window and kitchen balcony are just above that sign.

Our former apartment will be auctioned off mid February 2015. Seems like it has been on the market for about 5 years. Real estate photos on the Internet are disgusting. Looks more like a foreclosure. Sad really. We were the first residents of this "maisonnette" 35 years ago!

View out the back windows.

And the only photo acceptable for inside. 
I think they took this photo back five years ago when the apartment went up for sale.

Now the letter to let you know what we were doing on the Buziaustraat 35 years ago--

17 januari 1980
donderdag avond


J. is working until 9 or 10 tonight, so I've kept myself busy. It is just 4:45 p.m., and I've already given myself a permanent (nice curls!), made a cute diaper holder for M., washed several loads of clothes, repaired J's coat, written the Teachers' Retirement about the check that was short over $800, written to the school board about my W-2 forms, and now a letter to you. This week has been better than last  week. Tuesday I attended the Women's Club meeting and am trying to get involved with them. I enjoyed the meeting and all of the ladies were really nice. I will go on a tour of the police station on Jan. 29 with them. That should be interesting.

I haven't worked these two weeks, but that's the way substitute work goes. J. wants me to start writing. He said I should utilize all of this free time. I know he is right, but it is hard to sit down and do it. I always think of something else to do.

We will go to a party for his office tomorrow night (7:00-10:00). It is supposed to be a buffet and dance. I still haven't decided what to wear. As in the U.S., "anything goes" here except jeans, of course. Maybe a bolt of lightning will hit my brain, and I'll think of something suitable.

It is getting dark, so I'll run mail this. Write soon. It took your Jan. 4 letter 11 days to get here!!!

Love, Linda and J.


  1. what a lovely apartment, I really enjoy the letters, I do,
    goodby and good riddance to the mouse!

  2. Good job catching the rodent and good job describing your old place. It is ashame how people let things get so run down...really very sad...:)JP

  3. that was a lovely apartment...sorry to hear it's not been well taken care of

  4. I killed a lizard today. I stomped on him. The bad part was getting rid of the corpse. Mice are worse.


  5. Gelukkig dat de muis gevangen is, en ik neem aan dat de kast inmiddels ook weer schoon is. Grappig dat jullie zelfs in Crooswijk hebben gewoond, die straat zag er toen best keurig uit. Vroeger was het al een volksbuurt maar tegenwoordig is het toch wel erg verloederd.
