Friday, January 16, 2015

Is It Spring Yet?

Oh, how it seems like it today! 

I "freed" Flippy today, and he headed straight to the woods. No time to go pick up his girlfriend Kara! Just straight to the hunting ground.

So I walked my 2,000 steps around the meadow by myself. Even took a moment to rest on the metal bench we put out on our hill overlooking our pond. Saw two fish coming up for food or a breath of cold, fresh air.

Now back to my cupboard organizing. (And, yes, Mom, that still gets in the way of my cleaning the house.)

Spring will be here before you know it!

Update 4:00 pm:
We spent 4 hours cleaning the fence row and planting trees along the driveway.  How is that for taking advantage of springlike weather?


  1. Can't come soon enough to suit me.

  2. Hier was het gister ook heerlijk weer sinds een lange tijd van vreselijk veel wind en regen. Nu schijnt hier ook heerlijk de zon, maar hij geeft hier veel kouder weer aan. Wat een mooie spiegel heb je daar trouwens hangen, ook uit Nederland :)

  3. Spring...oh enjoy! :-)
    We are having a nice warm up this week in Wisconsin! YAY! Above 0!!

  4. Way to take advantage of a beautiful day!
