Saturday, February 28, 2015

What I Did On My Vacation?

Temps have been in the 70's F our last two days in Morocco. Not bad for the final days of February, but definitely not warm enough for me to get any closer than this to the swimming pool at our resort on our Moroccan vacation.

Notice the empty chair? Hub is still recovering from the "bus plague." He says he might actually want to go sit in that seat later today. Let's hope so!

Retired citizens are always on vacation. Right?

Since we retired, we have probably worked harder physically than we ever did when we were "working." When we are at home in the States, we are our own gardeners, our own mechanics, our own plumbers, our own cleaning personnel, our own handy persons,  and our own jack-of-all-trades persons. We don't work for pay or by the hour, but we do the " tuff stuff." The jobs that most people who live in our area of the world either hire out or just let slide.

But we choose our work times. My times are usually early in the morning after I let Flip out to do whatever he does. In the summer, those early hours are most of the time still cool enough to endure the outside temperature. Inside jobs do not matter, since airco can make physical labor at least comfortable.

Hub, on the other hand, is a late to bed and late to rise person. So his jobs do not even begin until the late morning. And if there are outside jobs in summer, he usually waits until the late afternoon or early evening.

By the end of each day of "retirement," we are tired.

Not while you are on vacation!

(Someone around 5:40 am CST will be my 50,000th reader! Congrats!)


  1. Lin, you two have the same routine as we do...including vacation!...:)JP

  2. It's wonderful to set your own times to do things isn't it?

  3. We are the same way- two people who work on different schedules...and it works for us. I am up early and stay up late. Hubs goes to bed early and gets up late. lol He needs more sleep than the normal person does....I need less.
    Your vacation looks lovely! xo Diana

  4. It looks lovely there. I'd probably be in the water regardless of the temps as I love to splash around.

    Mr. M is an early riser while I am the night owl. :)

    Congrats on your milestone!
