Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Guess Who Came to Dinner in Olst?

For my faithful blog followers, you will remember that my Dutch husband and I had the pleasant opportunity to have dinner on a real Dutch farm with the family of four precious daughters and four other guests last November. Click Here

While browsing the Internet this afternoon, I found this local newspaper article about our dinner at "De Riet." We had to laugh when we read about how we were described. 

Here is the text and a translation:

Bij De Riet in Olst schoof een oud-buurtgenoot aan die met zijn vrouw inmiddels al meer dan twintig jaar in de Ohio (USA) woonde en toevallig op vakantie in Nederland was. Zo was elke etentje uniek en bijzonder. 

"At De Riet in Olst, an old (former) neighbor and his wife who have lived more than twenty years in Ohio (USA) were by chance on vacation in The Netherlands and joined in for dinner. So each dinner was unique and interesting."

About the only thing they got right about us in this article is that we are "old." 

But the dinner was outstanding and delicious!

That is correct and the truth!


  1. Wat leuk om dit terug te zien, Linda!

    Lieve groet,Gerry

  2. LOL- How very funny! But at least you are "almost famous". xo Diana
